Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
So you like davy jone eh???
Title: This has never happened to me before
Name: Tiago Hoisel
Country: Brazil
Software: Photoshop
Believe it or not it is absolutely 2d no 3d software used pure hardcore paint and rendering. What amazes me about this art is its lighting. Lighting is the most important part of any art,it gives depth it gives an illusion to the viewer's eye. So if you like this badass art with the badass chracter better check the author of this art and give a kiss or something .. hahahhaha
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Giving chance to opportunity
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—Have you ever dream of something? A material thing you wish you have but you just can't have it ?And for a long time you walk that path of achieving your dream thinking that you will achieve it and still it doesn't happen? Have your tried anything new?A new way of achieving it?
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost
People have its own wants and his dream , for example a person wants to own a car, but no matter how hard he worked he still doesn't have it. He strives hard to work sacrifices things yet still doesn't get it because that person stick to what is common, that person tends to ignore a great possibilities there is always an new opportunity in our life if he open his mind to new things and a new way in life, great things happen.
Although there is no assurance for success because life is gamble,at some point of our life we need to place bets hope for something with optimism. The point is if you want something you find a way of getting that thing to your hand right? But if that way of getting that thing you always wanted doesn't bare fruits do you limit yourself to that way? If you limit yourself to that way how will you improve?How will you learn?
Friday, February 10, 2012
So today you found out that the foundation day is near and you said to yourself “Wow!! another less boring day in my college life”. Worry no more, I will give some hints and tips on how to enjoy in this said occasion . I will be giving three helpful tips to make this event worth while and fun too.
TIP # 1
They say “Pics or it did not happen” of course any great event sucks if you don't have photo to prove it and remember. With the fun moments you had and you can't share it with your friends, that would suck so much right?
Oh what's that you say, you don't have a camera? Will worry no more(again) because the CITE BLOGGERS got you back. You see the Cite Blogger has a special activity, it is called “hire a photo blogger”, the name says it all, you can hire any Cite Blogger(who wants to be hired) and pay them to follow you around taking pictures of you and your friends(to be more precise they will stalk you!!) and at the end of the day your photo will be develop for you to buy it.
TIP # 2
There are a lot of activities,in the school on Foundation Day it is a great way of having and earning money(if you are lucky) and cool prizes. If you have passion for physical activities then you should try fun run, and for best result you should bring friends with you, this activity helps you to relief stress that you accumulated also great way to flush all those fat. If you don't like physical activity then you should join the Skills Olympics,Skills Olympic? If you've never heard of it well, it is an event where you can show off your skills specific to your field,you could earn cash and fame,glory and all that crap if you win this competition. So yeah Activities are fun here in Cite, be sure to check all of them.
Well I guess this is the best tip that I could recommend to you. You see, Cite allows all guest during this period of time(Foundation day), this also great not just for you but for us who are your school mate since we have a chance to see people that are beyond our sight(if you know what I mean), you could share experiences with them and show them what our school really is, give your time to chill ,talk how your life goes.
So yeah, those tips well help you all the way, because this event is once every year and it celebrates the existence of Cite and all that it is Cite.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Ahcee Flores biggest troll you'll find
You have probably heard about the "Ahcee Flores issue" specially if you are Cebuano. And gives me the reason to be mad about this tsunami commentary.To those who don't know, Ahcee is the one responsible for the post of rude and insolent comments in yahoo about the earthquake incident that happened on February 6.
----- Translation: let us all pray .... that tsunami will really happen for Cebuanos to die, to lessen the number of those weird guys here in the Philippines. ---
This sparked rage to Cebuanos spawning numerous Facebook hate page, online discussions ,and heated opinions on their Facebook status.
The question is should we make a fuss about it? Should we be engulfed in anger with this nonsense? For all I know she is one of the biggest trolls after those Mayans.
You see trolls are people who likes attention, causing mischief and if we give them that attention, the hate, we are actually feeding them. We are giving them a sign to continue posting provocative messages.
I'm not related to Ahcee Flores in any way and I also don't like her. But the thing is no matter what we do,no matter how much hate we pour to her in the end we are the losers, for all I know she is laughing on how people react to this matter. The only way of beating a troll, is to ignore her and do something productive.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Standing up for the crowd
Are you about to stand in front of more than 300 people or a group of people(if it is to much)?Do you have a weird feeling in your stomach?Are you about to wet your pants because your so nervous? Well I know I did(except for wetting that would be weird), speaking in front of the people ,being paranoid, thinking "Why are they smiling?Why do they whisper at each other?Maybe there is something wrong in my face?What are they thinking?What are those tomatoes for?". For all the thought I had, every single one of them is distracting me but I have a secret to overcome this. You want to know what is my secret? Here are some helpful secret I learned of fighting a stage fright scenario.
#1. Be prepared.(like a boss)
If you want success in your report or discussion always always prepare your things.Your presentation and the flow of your topic,it is the crucial part it is the main dish.Always plan your gesture(although you might forget some of it). Bottom line is prepare the things you need like the slides and all the...(you know what I mean).
#2. Study and understand it before the big day.
Studying your lesson increases the chance that you will nail it,even though you understand the concept this is not enough since ever detail and little information about your lesson gives it flavor.
#3. Review your work 30 minutes before the presentation
Reviewing the lesson the 30 minutes before the your big report is necessary. "Why" you say? Because people don't have a perfect retention rate,some of the ideas you had yesterday will fade, you just can't avoid it,it's just how it work,that's because our mind is working properly(you should be thankful). It will help you relax and also it will help you compensate the details and stimulate your brain activity.
#4. Avoid Scripts (Unless if you're having a speech)
Some of you might think bringing bulky script is good,(you will look like that dude up there)wrong that's not good you should totally avoid it.You might wonder why? Why because it is not a drama or a play that needs a script it is teaching something you know and also it's a matter of impression, when people see you bringing a script reading them in front of them(like a retarded seal), they will think that you are not prepared.They can feel that you suck and that you don't know what your doing and that would be bad,bad because people will not listen.If there a need to bring a script,please avoid reading them in front of them.
#5. Stop reading your whole slides.
Stop reading the whole slide you just made(e.g. Power Point presentation). This is not for you to read it is for them,and of course they can read it too.People will feel bad about this, as if your just teaching them how to read. If you are to read the line you must explain it, it is bad enough that they are they hearing your lousy voice reading those boring article that they can't understand and obviously they can read it(unless if they can't see your presentation that's another story).
#6 Gesture like a sir
Gesture can also give an impact to the audience. By a simple wave of your hand while discussing things,the people will empathize and will feel that you really know what your doing. It also relieves tensions and nervousness, it calms you down.Note: to much gesture can be disastrous so use it wisely.Just imagine if you wave your hands randomly every 1 second, that would be confusing and stupid. Take note that mannerism is different from gestures.Avoid mannerism like scratching your balls,scratching your hair and all those annoying mannerism.
#7. Just Chill
This is the most important thing you should remember, always make yourself comfortable.If you are not comfortable all those things above will not work, no matter what you do. Do not worry about the people in front of you, if you commit mistakes and they laugh let them laugh it's a motivator people learn faster if they are motivated(don't get discourage). If you're nervous of their faces just imagine that they are a bunch of carrots or anything that makes your smile. Just take a deep breathe and exhale and clear your thoughts about bad things that can distort your focus and don't ever forget this, always smile even if your face is in a bad shape .
So here are my tips, I'm not the greatest public speaker in fact I am still new in this field, I just want to share things which is effective when I'm having a report or etc.I acquire this things through the help of my teacher and most important of them all experience. If it's still your first time then good luck.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Starting this year with a healthy life style
So this year plans are popping in my head,some of them are carrier oriented while others are self improvement. One that struck me the most which haunted me for a very long time is the path of healthy living ,healthy life style which I always avoided due to my laziness but this year it's different, I need to fight this destructive vice,so I decided to go the a gym where I can polish my physical strength,which I desperately need. Being a man without a physical strength is kind off embarrassing. How did it get me? well so far my body is full of muscle ache,it feels like thousand of needles puncturing my muscle.Emotionally I was happy although my body wants to scream out of pain of lifting those weights(small weights to be exact) ,but I felt good maybe because I fulfilled one f my challenges. So again healthy living here I come :)

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